Christmas Greetings from the Pett Family in Cairns
December 2014 News from the Pett Family serving in Cairns
Queensland with MAF International
We send you our first greetings from a hot and humid Cairns, and as we are no longer in the Top End, we are going to need to find a new name for our newsletter!
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers as we packed and concluded our time on Elcho, then started the transition into our next phase of service with MAF.
We take this opportunity to wish you every blessing as we celebrate Jesus' birth.
Our final look back at Galiwin'ku as we left on 17 September.
Goodbyes and farewells
There were plenty of challenges in the process of packing up but we were able to say ‘goodbye’ with a sense of peace as well as the expected sadness. We retain many fond memories of our years there, and even now it doesn’t quite seem real that we aren’t going back.
We were very touched and grateful for all the gifts, tributes and expressions of appreciation that we received as we left Elcho - a place and a people that will remain close to our hearts. MAF UK have published an article on Elcho in the latest ‘Flying for Life’ magazine which you can read by clicking below.
Beyond the move Our first ‘home’ after leaving Elcho was at Lake Placid Tourist Park where our dog, Potato, was welcome to live on the deck outside our one-room cabin. I (David) spent the first four weeks travelling over the Kuranda Range to Mareeba each day to participate in the training course that new MAF pilots receive.
I will be delivering this same training next year when my expired UK instructor rating has been converted and reissued in Australia. In the meantime I have much to do learning more about the aircraft and operating standards I am now responsible for, and will be visiting MAF in Africa in 2015. I have already visited Mount Hagen, the administrative hub for the Papua New Guinea programme, to get a closer insight into their work.
Jen, Graham and Jonathan have used these weeks to complete the administration involved in changing state, including getting Potato ‘chipped’, vaccinated and registered as a suburban ‘pett’. We bought a car in our second week and the boys are getting familiar with the driving techniques needed on real roads.
After six weeks in the cabin we were able to move into a spacious Queenslander-style wooden house, rented from a missionary family serving in PNG. We are near the Botanic Gardens, have a welcoming church at the end of the road, and I can cycle to the MAF office in 15 minutes, although I do get a little warm! Thankfully there are showers at work.
We all attended Graham and Jonathan’s graduation dinner held at their school in Atherton and met the staff for the first time, including Mrs Huxham, pictured below. The boys are taking a ‘gap year’ whilst they adjust to our new surroundings and the opportunities that are now available.
Looking ahead to 2015 Our next home assignment in the UK is set for March and April. We are looking forward to reconnecting with our family and friends and hope very much to see you again as we travel around during the eight weeks we are back.
MAF are encouraging us to further develop a support team in our sending country, to assist with communication, support raising and planning. This is another way in which our supporters can partner with us and become more closely involved in the service of MAF to isolated people in need.
We thank you for your ever generous and reassuring support, in prayer for us and financial giving, and we wish you all Christ’s peace and blessing this holiday season and for 2015.
With our love, David, Jen, Graham and Jonathan
If you have missed one of our newsletters, you can click here to access the archive on our family website.
New Address:
14 Friend Street
Edge Hill
QLD 4870
+61 7 4032 1092 GMT+10
Any mail sent to Arnhem Land will be forwarded to us.
Philippians 3 verses 13b-14
... straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.,
Please pray for all that is ahead.
Health and fitness
We are weary after leaving Elcho and looking forward to a quiet Christmas break.
Home Assignment
We need wisdom in planning our time to make the most of our UK visit.
Adjusting to life in Cairns
We are gradually finding our feet and overcoming the ‘culture-shock’ after eight years of living ‘remote’.
We are grateful for the support of our Partner Churches
Capel Community St John's Newland St Faith's Dunswell Riverside Hull St Mark's Kempshott St Michael's Brantham Lower Earley Baptist St Mary's Dunsfold Lilydale Baptist, VIC
MAF works in partnership with churches, groups and individuals whose prayer support and financial gifts make it possible for staff to serve and support those who live in these isolated, remote and challenging locations.
If you would like to partner with us, click here to find out more.
David & Jen Pett 14 Friend Street Edge Hill QLD 4870 Australia
Tel +61 7 4032 1092
Supporter Relations MAF UK Castle Hill Avenue Folkestone CT20 2TN